Children in Awana have fun playing age-appropriate games, memorizing Bible verses in an organized system, and participating in large-group Bible teaching.  We are teaching Bible basics and a love for Bible study, and strongly encouraging children to attend a local church faithfully, besides reading and studying the Bible on thier own or with their family. We teach young people to compare any teaching they hear to what the Bible says.


"Approved workmen are not ashamed."
2 Timothy 2:15

Wednesday Evenings 6:30-8:00pm
Dinner provided 6:00pm

Ages 3-4

Kindergarten - 2nd grade

3rd - 6th grade


7th - 8th grade



High School

White Plains Baptist Church
8470 Marshall Corner Road, P. O. Box 156
Pomfret, MD 20675

PHONE: (240) 776-4326

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